Difference between Millennials and Generation Z

A Millennial is a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000. Millennial characteristics vary by region, depending on social and economic conditions. However, the generation is generally marked by an increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies. Generation Z (also known as Post-Millennials or the iGeneration) is the demographic cohort following…

Social Issues

With generation like any other it has its problems. “The definition of a social problem, also called a social issue, is an undesirable condition that people believe should be corrected”. Here are a list of contemporary issues and news stories to date. In my neighborhood and probably in every neighborhood these issues are relevant and…


Netflix has become a major pass time for college students. In between classes on the weekends, on the bus, at breakfast-lunch-and dinner, it has become a part of the college culture. With new Netflix series, with our favorite movies and television shows that we binge watch for hours that turn into days. We communicate with…

Registration = Stress

Scheduling for classes is important when it comes to talking about your college career. This is one of the many things that you are in charge of. Your major determines what classes you have to take each semester, but based on space and availability of seats you may or may not get lucky enough to…


Without a doubt music has evolved on so many levels and in so many ways. Hip Hop is not the same, R&B, Reggae, Dancehall, Soul, etc. Whatever you listen to now does not compare to the way music used to sound 40 or even 20 ears ago. More specifically my generation coming out of the…

Parties….College Parties…Wild Nights

From red cups, to themed parties, to abcs, to crazy snap chat stories, to frats and sorors, to drunken mistakes… parties is a cultural phenomena that will live on forever. Parties aren’t what they once were obviously. They have evolved with the times and with the generations as new breeds of individuals continue to change what…

Back to the Grind

Spring Break is coming to an end and all I’ve really done was stay in the house, lay across my couch, and watch T.V. The snow honestly turned me off from doing anything. Why would mother nature decide to snow at a time like this- a time being the one week I am home and…

Spring Break

Spring Break!! It’s a time of fun and no school work. College kids get to get off campus for a week and live a little after getting through half a semester before they have to come back and finish it off strong. Miami, Florida & Cancun, Mexico are notorious for Spring Break Getaway destinations. Some…


Snapchat has been the new wave for some time now. People have even deactivated other means of social media and have focused all their attentions on their Snapchat profiles. So many things go into being a snapchatter. When people make Snapchat they want to have a lot of followers so that they can have hundreds…

How do you text?

Some people write how they talk. Some people should really not do that. Do you ever find yourself altering how you text someone who doesn’t come from your hometown or even your race. Slang is and isn’t universal. There are slangs used in other states and even within the same cities that differentiate depending on…

Parent-Child Relationships

Some parents are their children’s best friends. Is this a good or bad thing? Good Thing: You feel comfortable talking to your parent about things that happen in your life. Makes the home environment comfortable for you and other guests. Bad Thing: There is a lack of respect from children towards their parent. Blurred line between…

The Cell Phone – – Our Guilty Pleasure

We can barely function with out it. I has become our “LIFE”. Everything is on our phone, calendars, events, reminders, phone numbers, contact information, etc. We no longer have the need to write things down or commit things to memory. Here is an article on how Just Hearing Your Phone Buzz Hurts Your Productivity. There is…