Social Issues

With generation like any other it has its problems. “The definition of a social problem, also called a social issue, is an undesirable condition that people believe should be corrected”. Here are a list of contemporary issues and news stories to date. In my neighborhood and probably in every neighborhood these issues are relevant and take precedence over other things that might be going on in a society.

rights, inequalities, racism, addiction, sexuality, education, tolerance, justices, work, environment, sexism, child care– are a few that are high up on our social issue radar.

Tackling social issues means a lot to me because I come from a community that I was heavily involved in and loved to be apart of as well as improve. I want to be an advocate for those who can’t advocate for themselves. I believe we need people like that in our communities because as times go on it only gets harder.

Some issues are more evident than others and certain people are more negatively affected by these issues than others. There have been many scenarios presented to possibly limit these inequalities, but many factors sadly contribute to making that not possible. I’m an optimist that with time and persistence than a change can happen. It not right around the corner there are deep rooted social institutionalisms that make it harder to push past and break certain barriers that hold us back from progress.


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