Spring Break

Spring Break!! It’s a time of fun and no school work. College kids get to get off campus for a week and live a little after getting through half a semester before they have to come back and finish it off strong.

Miami, Florida & Cancun, Mexico are notorious for Spring Break Getaway destinations. Some go with friends from school, friends back home, or even family. Spring Break is probably the one experience college kids look forward to and once it comes wished it will never end.

For my first ever college Spring Break, I went home because I’m a family girl and I needed time with them, time away from school, and time to catch up on some Z’sssss.

A week is not a lot of time to do much so it’s all about how you organize your time and prioritize. Think what do I need to get done, what goals do I have for this trip and by the end of it what do I want to have said about it. “It was great”, “It was relaxing”, “I enjoyed myself”, “I had fun with my family and friends”, “I had a great time with my girls”, “we were to litt”, “we were t’d”.

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