How do you text?

Some people write how they talk. Some people should really not do that.

Do you ever find yourself altering how you text someone who doesn’t come from your hometown or even your race. Slang is and isn’t universal. There are slangs used in other states and even within the same cities that differentiate depending on where you go and who you know. I’ve been lucky enough where I don’t even have that many people to text and when I do they are from my general area and or can understand how I text. I also don’t usually text using slang that isn’t universal. I like to text in a way that is understanding because I know that not everyone interprets messages how you send them so my solution is to text clearly and efficiently so there is little or no room for misinterpretation. There is no way of knowing how someone will perceive your message, but there are alternatives to making it pretty clear. These alternative are also known as emojis. We could even use emojis instead of words in some situations to get out a whole sentence or three. Emojis have made our lives so much easier and probably even a little harder. I say harder because there is no way of truly knowing if the emoji means what you intended on it meaning when you sent it and it could make the person on the other end of the line emotionless. I know when you sending all those crying emojis you not that “weak”

SB: weak is slang for laughing hysterically

SB: SB means side bar as in side note as in something you should know if you didn’t

How do you text? Do you have an alter voice when you text different people? Who do you text the most?

Texting over Phone calls? Ehhhh depends for me on who it is.



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  1. madichappell says:

    when I text I find that i am a lot more formal when talking to most of my family members, where as with friends i’m a little more care free. I also make use of many emojis and gifs. When it comes to texting vs phone calls, with non family members, I prefer text, with family members I find it easier to talk to them on the phone.


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