Parent-Child Relationships

Some parents are their children’s best friends. Is this a good or bad thing?

Good Thing:

  • You feel comfortable talking to your parent about things that happen in your life.
  • Makes the home environment comfortable for you and other guests.

Bad Thing:

  • There is a lack of respect from children towards their parent.
  • Blurred line between friend and parent
  • Can cause a broken household

This generation a lot of parents are closer in age to their children then in recent years. This influences how some parents decide to raise their child. It may be easier for them to relate and treat them like a friend than to discipline them because they haven’t yet matured enough themselves. Then there are the mothers who haven’t really had that guidance that taught them how to be more of an enforcer than a friend.  It is hard to assess every parent-child relationship and takes some research and skill to go in depth in what is behind these budding relationships.

One of my closest friend has that relationship with her mom where that friend and parent (authority figure) line is blurred. Like where is the line drawn. She can talk to her mother any way and her mother talks to her anyway but then again she wouldn’t divulge al her personal business to her mother, but her mother feels comfortable telling her everything. That is one example of a bad relationship to me because there is a level of secrac and lack of trust there.

Then there is a relationship I have with my mother where I feel like shes my bestfriend in a sense because she is always there for me and if I did decide to tell her anything going on with me I know she wouldn’t hold it against me. But there is a line of a respect and a line we don’t cross where she doesn’t tell me every aspect of her personal business and there are things I am not quite comfortable sharing with her, but I thing that its a healthy balance.

Your parent shouldn’t know everything about you then there would be no way to differentiate the relationship and when there comes a time to discipline how will one be able to take the other seriously.

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