The Cell Phone – – Our Guilty Pleasure

We can barely function with out it. I has become our “LIFE”. Everything is on our phone, calendars, events, reminders, phone numbers, contact information, etc. We no longer have the need to write things down or commit things to memory.

Here is an article on how Just Hearing Your Phone Buzz Hurts Your Productivity.

There is a statistic that the most reacted to sound is that of a cellphone vibration. That says a lot about our priorities huh. You would’ve thought it would be a baby crying, a person screaming for help, a fire alarm, a gunshot, or a siren.

This YouTube video  is a prime example of how engrossed in our phones we are that we neglect to pay attention to the things going on around us. We don’t enjoy life’s moments at face value because we could just record it now and replay it later. This should not be our norm, but it is.

Nowadays in order to get each other’s undivided attention, we’ve come up with rules and deals. For example, if a group of friends go out to eat they agree that they leave their phones in their pockets and ignore it all cost. Then the first person to give in to the phone without being an emergency has to pay for dinner. I don’t know bout you, but no Facebook notification is worth a $150 bill.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Brett says:

    Nice post, Briyana. I like that you’re bringing in links and sources to these posts, including ones from class.


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