
Memes have taken over the internet. Memes require tow lines of text that contain a set up and a punchline. They are typically supposed to be funny. Whether they are about politics, cats, relationships, t.v. (stars, shows, personalities), controversy, or really whatever you want it to be about. Anyone can create their own meme and can make it as personal, impersonal, funny,  or as interesting as they want.


Funny Cat Memes:

funny-cat-meme    funny-cat-meme-2    funny cat meme .png

Relationship memes

relationshiprelationship-goal-memes relationshipgoalmeme

Political Memes


TV Memes




Memes have become a major part of our society. Memes tend to lighten a situation that may be dark and when most people don’t think its safe to go there memes makes everything seem OK.  It has been a way of getting out news, whether it be real, fake, unimportant, or not news at all; it keeps people up on the trends. Who wants to be left out the loop when everyone is laughing and joking about the latest meme they saw.

Our generation has taken memes and made them something trendy. It can also make or break friendships, relationships, or ties with groups or people. This may sound dramatic, but with the way this generation likes to “Drag” (exaggerate) situations, we turn everything into a joke, harmless or not.


One Comment Add yours

  1. Brett says:

    Memes are an interesting rhetorical artifact–and I like that you provide a bunch of examples here, categorized. You also do a nice job describing/defining them, which can be hard. There is a lot of material about memes if you are interested in them.


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