Generation Z & Social Media

It’s no secret that we are in a technology age. Our lives are run by laptops, tablets, phones, apps, and especially our social media networks. My peers and I have let it so that our lives are run by our social media accounts. If we aren’t on Facebook, it’s Snap Chat, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. This is how we communicate with old friends, new friends, family, and even strangers. We are constantly updating our profiles and ultimately giving people a look into our personal lives. Our willingness to be so open with one another is kind of a scary thing. Allowing anyone access to see what we are doing and we aren’t shy about documenting sometimes the most personal information, images, thoughts or feelings.

On the upside social media has become a tool we use as platforms. Many of us are trying to do things and pursue careers in music, art, dance, business, etc. and our social media pages have become our way of outreach, networking, and exposure. By sharing our latest accomplishments we seek positive encouragement, supporters, and constructive criticism (with the exception of the haters out there). Social media has become a good way for us to come into our own and express ourselves.

I must say there are ups and downs to social media. For the most part we have to be aware of what we are putting out there about ourselves, you never know how that information may come back and sneak up on you when you start to pursue other future ventures.

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